E is for Ethics

In the context of animal research and testing, there is more to 'ethics' than implementing the 3Rs. 'Doing ethics' also encompasses the harm-benefit  assessment and wider issues around what, all things considered, ought to be done.

Many AWERB members say that they do not find identifying and considering ethical issues easy. Unlike the 3Rs, which are practical and usually based on factual information, the definition of an 'ethical issue' can be unclear and there may be reluctance to tackle issues that are viewed as not directly relevant to current practices. It can also be difficult to introduce ethical considerations during project licence review.

However, the legislation requires ethical considerations to be taken into account when evaluating projects, and the 'E' in AWERB is for Ethics. It is essential to raise the issue with your AWERB if you feel that ethical issues are not being effectively identified, discussed or acted on.

Points to consider

  • Would you say that your AWERB 'does ethics'?
  • Does your AWERB need any additional perspectives, or training, to enable it to identify, discuss and address ethical issues?
  • Could you ask for discussions of relevant topics outside of specific projects, to help the AWERB become more familiar with identifying and critically analysing ethical issues?
  • What would your AWERB, as a body, expect to happen as outcomes of the ethical review of projects, and ethical discussions in general?

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