Scientist-AWERB engagement
Good engagement with, and communications between, scientists and the AWERB are essential to ensure that the AWERB can implement all its functions effectively - with benefits for animal welfare, science and the establishment's Culture of Care. However, this cannot be taken for granted. There can sometimes be a lack of awareness and understanding from both parties, affecting working relationships and the ability to achieve the AWERB's goals.
This Scientist-AWERB Engagement Pack includes good practice tips for scientists, AWERB members and chairs; ideas for activities to understand different people's perspectives; and ideas for survey questions to evaluate scientists' perceptions of their AWERBs.
Even if the AWERB is unaware of any issues, it will be a useful exercise to focus on its relationship with personal and project licensees, and other scientists within the establishment who may directly or indirectly be affected by the AWERB's activities - and ensure that these are good. The good practice tips are also useful as induction materials.
Even if the AWERB is unaware of any issues, it will be a useful exercise to focus on its relationship with personal and project licensees, and other scientists within the establishment who may directly or indirectly be affected by the AWERB's activities - and ensure that these are good. The good practice tips are also useful as induction materials.