AWERB member induction and training
AWERBs should provide induction and training for all their members. Even those already holding roles under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 will require induction and training in the functions of the AWERB in general, how he establishment's own AWERB works, and personal factors including personal values, available time and 'soft skills'. Discussions with AWERB members repeatedly highlight that they feel induction and training would be very helpful and appreciated, but is not always delivered.
Our 2024 survey of AWERB members reports on the induction and training that is currently provided, and what more is needed.

Points to consider
- Is there a structured induction and training programme in place for all AWERB members?
- If so, do members feel it prepared them adequately for their roles? Do they feel any important areas were not covered?
- If not, who should be responsible for leading on setting this up, and what support would they need?
- What ongoing training opportunities would enable members to better fulfil their roles?
Other resources
- RSPCA/LASA Induction for AWERB members includes examples of induction activities and a self-assessment checklist for members. This additional supplement addresses inductions into AWERBs run fully or partly online
- RSPCA/LASA Guiding Principles to Help Deliver the Ethics Learning Outcomes of Module 2 for Personal Licensees has helpful ideas for training activities
- Inductions should always include a visit to the animal unit (if this can be done safely and without stressing animals) - this resource will help members get the most out of their visits
- New lay members (and other types of member) will find this infographic helpful
- Good practice tips for AWERB members, scientists and AWERB chairs, from the RSPCA Scientist-AWERB Engagement Pack, are also useful induction materials
- RSPCA/LASA Guiding Principles on Good Practice for AWERBs provides information on all the AWERB's tasks
- A Resource Book for Lay Members of Ethical Review and Similar Bodies Worldwide