Inspiring a kinder generation through education
Prevention: the most important word in our name
The RSPCA has been helping to inspire the next generation of animal lovers for many years, by supporting those working with young people. But the world is changing and the challenges facing both animals and young people are changing with it.
October 2019 marks our one-year anniversary
It's been a year since our CEO, Chris Sherwood, launched an innovative new programme focusing on young people, in our first year Generation kind has achieved:
- over 1,000 primary schools took part in Compassionate Class activities (a reach of over 70,000 students). The Most Compassionate Class of 2019 was Ysgol Gymraeg Coed y Gof from Cardiff
- Paws for Change, a project that has been running for some years on a small scale has expanded to six centres and will now benefit over 50 young people and rescue dogs. More centres are set to join in 2020!
- The Great Debate project has reached 506 secondary school students
- volunteer speakers in schools have reached over 7000 students
- over 80 children in care have taken part in our Animal Action Days
- Wild Things at our Birmingham and Mallydams centres have reached over 6000 disadvantaged young people
- over 600 student teachers have been trained through our Initial Teacher Training project
- over 400 parents and carers who have or work with foster children
- Breaking the Chain has trained 10 youth justice workers.
That's a grand total of almost 100,000 young people and target groups!
Witnessing Animal Cruelty
Children today are being exposed to shocking levels of animal cruelty. Nearly a quarter of school children aged 10-18 have witnessed animal cruelty and neglect on social media and a further 3% first hand.
In response to this we launched Generation Kind, our biggest ever education and prevention programme aimed at children.
Generation Kind
Generation Kind is a set of ambitious, innovative projects that aim to foster kindness and compassion towards all animals within children. In this way, we can create a future that is truly kind to animals.
Through the expansion of these projects we want to reach: