Compassionate Family

Compassionate Family is our new programme that encourages the values of compassion and empathy, through a series of fun activities and discussions about animals. It's a flexible programme that parents, guardians, or carers can deliver across four to five hours, spread out over a few days or weeks.

Choose from sessions focusing on pets in your home or see often, and bring the learning together through an activity that benefits animals in your community.

Before you begin, please see our overview for parents, guardians, and carers.

Programme overview

Programme overview download


Time: 1 hour.

Start by introducing the concept of compassion and discussing the needs of animals.

Starter activity


Time: 1-4 hours.

Choose your discovery activities - there are activities about dogs, cats, and rabbits.

You can complete as many discovery activities as your family would like to do - each session will explore the needs of different pets.

Discovery activity


Time: 1 hour.

To bring together learning from the discovery sessions, select an advocacy activity that will task your family with championing animal welfare in a creative and imaginative way.

Advocacy activity

You can submit your family's advocacy stories for a chance to be featured in one of our magazines.