Youth Intervention Case Study
A professional working for a Youth Offending Team in the South of England was kind enough to tell us about her experience of using Breaking The Chain with a young person she encountered in her role as a youth offending officer.
We have omitted certain details pertaining to the persons involved to protect their identities.
How did you find out about our services?
I heard about your services from a colleague who said that the RSPCA have a website and a DVD [Breaking The Chain interactive resource].
Had you heard of us before?
I had heard of the RSPCA but was not aware of the intervention services that the RSPCA have designed for use with young people.
What resources did you use and had you received any training before you used them?
Previous resources I have used consisted of standard victim worksheets, but adapted to fit criteria for animals.
Can you give us some details of the person and the case you used our resources with?
The case involved a young person who was with a group of other young people. Together they threw stones at a turkey and assaulted it with a stick. Through these actions the turkey sadly died.
Did you notice any immediate outcomes as a result of using the resource/s with the young person? I.e. any change in attitude?
Yes. This young person completed the RSPCA interactive resource and has a better understanding of his actions. They have since been working on a farm to help look after the animals, which they enjoy immensely.
How successful did you perceive the training to be?
Very successful - the young person has been involved in no further incidents relating to animal cruelty.
Can you see yourself using the resource/s in situations other than those involving animal cruelty?
I would use the RSPCA resources again. I also know that other [non animal-welfare-related] organisations use these resources when working with young people and completing their reparation hours.
Would you recommend the resource/s to colleagues?
I would recommended to Breaking The Chain to colleagues as a valuable resource.