Who is responsible?
As a guide to which of the sections below to use with the young person, we suggest that you use the online assessment tool Developing a suitable intervention programme (Word 17KB).
Be an RSPCA officer
In which we discover the role an RSPCA officer has.
Categorising animals
In which we learn about the relationship between the role of animals in all our lives.
Ground rules for farm animals
In which we discuss cruelty towards farm animals and the suffering it causes.
Ground rules for pet animals
In which we discuss cruelty towards pet animals and the suffering it causes.
Ground rules for wild animals
In which we discuss cruelty towards wild animals and the suffering it causes.
Taking responsibility
In which we discuss how society expects us to treat animals we come across who may be suffering.
The visit
In which we put into practice what we have learned about taking responsibilty for animals.