Inspiring kindness to animals in the classroom
Help shape a kinder generation
Teachers play a vital role in inspiring the next generation to be informed, responsible and compassionate citizens.
Our free teaching resources make it easy for teachers to bring animal welfare to life in the classroom, helping children to develop key life skills.
Through Generation Kind we're ramping up our efforts to inspire kindness in the classroom - helping to shape a kinder future for animals.
Compassionate Class
Our Compassionate Class programme, aimed at children aged 7-11, was launched across England and Wales in 2018. Video and interactive content are used to help teach compassion through the lens of animal welfare.
It's a compelling and engaging way to cover areas of the curriculum such as Personal Social and Health Education (PHSE) and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) while learning about what makes animals happy and healthy.
The Great Debates
A unique opportunity for 11 to 14 year old pupils to develop their debating skills alongside learning about animal welfare topics.
Animal Welfare: The Great Debate will be taking place in Wales, Leeds, Birmingham and Reading in 2019.
Speakers in Schools
Talks in school assemblies can be an effective way of spreading the word about being kind to animals - and inspiring a future generation of compassionate animal advocates.
Teacher Training
Our teacher training sessions equip future teachers with resources and skills to educate primary school children about animals and their welfare needs.