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Our international work

We're regularly invited by governments and other relevant bodies, such as laboratory animal science associations, around the world to deliver tailored training workshops, or presentations, at scientific and other conferences. These are usually aimed at achieving effective regulation of animal research and testing, robust ethical review, fuller implementation of the 3Rs and better animal welfare.

Our current activities, undertaken with RSPCA International, are largely focused in east and southeast Asia, eastern Europe and southern Africa. Most of our relationships with local partner organisations have been ongoing for a number of years - for example, we began working with the Chinese Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences in 2007 - and we are continually developing new partnerships across a range of countries.

The RSPCA is also a member organisation of Eurogroup for Animals, which we have represented in Expert Working Group meetings and other events on a range of issues at the European Commission, and in forums with MEPs at the European Parliament.

To discuss how we may be able to work with you, please contact:


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