Turkeys - Science
RSPCA welfare standards for turkeys
Our detailed RSPCA welfare standards have been developed to represent good practice in the care and welfare of commercially-farmed turkeys at all stages of their lives.
RSPCA turkey standards technical advisory group
Members of the advisory group are selected on the basis of the specific expertise they bring to the group in different areas of turkey care. Members include:
- Kat Norman (RSPCA poultry specialist)
- Moira Harris (Chair)
- Linda Kirby (2 sisters food group)
- Martin Newman (Gressingham)
- Richard Jennison (Poultry Health Services)
- Stuart Beaumont (Kelly's Turkeys)
- Jon Walton (Food Animal Initiative)
- A technical/field operations representative of RSPCA Assured
Find out more about the consultation process for the development of the RSPCA welfare standards for farm animals.