RSPCA Shop Youth Education Science
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What we do

Our wildlife department has four main roles. learn more below.

Wildlife Assistant Cameron Law holding a hedgehog at West Hatch wildlife centre

The four roles of the RSPCA

  1. To build the RSPCA's knowledge about wildlife welfare issues, including the health, management and trade of wildlife. We also look at the main issues affecting wildlife in captivity, from those kept as pets to circus animals.  
  2. To advise the rest of the RSPCA, the public, non-governmental groups and the government.  
  3. To lobby decision-makers, including governments, for the protection of wildlife.  
  4. To support our four wildlife centres and ensure animals receive the very best care possible.

Underpinning the RSPCA's work

  • We help train our inspectors and advise them when they're on duty in the field.  
  • Through the wildlife centres, we conduct research into the best possible ways to treat wild animals that come into our care.  
  • We provide advice on wildlife kept as pets.  
  • We help our Special Operations Unit (SOU) and prosecutions department deal with wildlife crime.  
  • We supply information for the RSPCA's enquiries service, website, education packs, magazines and our National Call Centre.

We also work externally as well.

Influencing decision makers

This is a very important part of our job. Much of what we do involves sitting on government committees arguing our case, producing submissions to consultations, discussions with civil servants, and providing input wherever else required.

Often the results are more evolutionary than revolutionary - for example, a proposal is modified, a Bill amended or a government Code of Practice altered, although we've had some high profile successes too.  In this process we act as a brake on those who want to kill or use animals and help steer processes in a more animal welfare friendly direction.

Our scientists are members of various external committees including:

 Some of the high profile meetings we attended recently:

We responded to a number of consulations in 2010, including:

  • The use of wild animals in circuses
  • A badger control policy in relation to bovine TB
  • An issue paper on wild deer management in Wales

Our Successes

As a result of our input, we've had some notable successes. For example:  

  • We provided most of the scientific evidence and welfare arguments that secured the Hunting Act and defended it against three separate legal challenges.  
  • We played a major role in bringing about the Zoo Licensing Act 1981.  
  • We had major influence in stopping the keeping of dolphins in captivity in the '90's.  
  • We create and lead strategy for the Society's casualty wildlife work. 17 new protocols have been written, which provide guidance on best practice for the care of various species. There have been a number of research projects - many of which have received wide media attention, such as a study on playing birdsong to rescued nestlings.