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Enteropathogens of juvenile Eurasian badgers (Meles meles) – Diagnosis, treatment and control. Barlow A, Mullineaux E, Cowen S, Kidner P World and European Wildlife Disease Associations Conference, Lyon, France. 2012 (open access)

Parvovirus enteritis in Eurasian badgers (Meles meles) Barlow AM, Schock A, Bradshaw J, Mullineaux E, Dastjerdi A, Everest DJ, McGowan S, Steinbach F, Cowen S Veterinary Record, 2012; 170, 416. (not open access)

Practical advice for vets in general practice who may be confronted with an injured badger Mullineaux E BSAVA Companion 2012, pp 20 - 23 (2012) (not open access)

Badger Protocol Ed. Mullineaux E Badger trust, Defra, Secret World Wildlife Rescue, 2018 (open access)

Managing public demand for badger rehabilitation in an area of England with endemic tuberculosis. Elizabeth Mullineaux, Pauline Kidner Veterinary Microbiology, 2011 Jul 5;151(1-2):205-8. (open access)

Rehabilitating and releasing badgers in England Mullineaux E, Phoenix J, Brown E In Practice 2019;41 (5):198-204. (open access) 


Bat Care Guidelines 2nd Edition Bat Conservation trust (open access)

Handling and veterinary care of British bats Bexton S, Couper D In Practice 2010;32 (6):254-262. (not open access)

Birds of prey

Veterinary care of wild owl casualties Couper D, Bexton S In Practice 2012;34 (5):270-281.  (not open access)

Admissions, diagnoses, and outcomes for Eurasian sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus) brought to a wildlife rehabilitation centre in North-West England. Kelly A, Bland M J. Raptor Res. 2006, 40, 231–235

Veterinary care of raptors Kubiak M, Forbes N In Practice 2011;33(1):28-32.  (not open access)

Causes, temporal trends, and the effects of urbanization on admissions of wild raptors to rehabilitation centers in England and Wales. Panter CT, Allen S, Backhouse N, Mullineaux E, Rose C.-A, Amar A Ecol. Evol. 2022, 12, e8856.

Concentration and origin of lead (Pb) in liver and bone of Eurasian buzzards (Buteo buteo) in the United Kingdom. Taggart MA, Shore RF, Pain DJ, Peniche G, Martinez-Haro M, Mateo R, Homann J, Raab A, Feldmann J, Lawlor AJ et al. Environ. Pollut. 2020, 267, 115629.


Detection of Circovirus in Foxes with Meningoencephalitis, United Kingdom, 2009–2013 Bexton S, Wiersma LC, Getu S, van Run PR, Verjans GMGM, Schipper D, Schapendonk CME, Bodewes R, Oldroyd L, Haagmans BL, Koopmans MMP, Smits SL. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2015. 21, 7 (open access)

Veterinary treatment of fox casualties Couper D and Bexton S In Practice 2016;38 (3):130-138 doi:10.1136/inp.i707 (not open access)

Infectious Causation of Abnormal Host Behavior: Toxoplasma gondii and Its Potential Association With Dopey Fox Syndrome. Milne G, Fujimoto C, Bean T, Peters HJ, Hemmington M, Taylor C, Fowkes RC, Martineau HM, Hamilton CM, Walker M, Mitchell JA, Le ́ ger E, Priestnall SL and Webster JP Frontiers in Psychiatry 2020 11:513536. (open access)

Increased prevalence and geographic spread of the cardiopulmonary nematode Angiostrongylus vasorum in fox populations in Great Britain Taylor CS, Garcia Gato R, Learmount J, Aziz NA, Montgomery C, Rose H, Coulthwaite CL, McGarry JW, Forman W, Allen S, Wall R, Morgan ER Parasitology 2015, 142(9), 1190-1195. doi:10.1017/S0031182015000463 (not open access)

Infectious canine hepatitis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in wildlife rescue centres in the UK Walker D, Abbondati E, Cox AL, Mitchell GB, Pizzi R, Sharp CP, Philbey AW.  Vet Rec. 2016 Apr 23;178(17):421. doi: 10.1136/vr.103559 


Blood L-Lactate Concentration as an Indicator of Outcome in Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) Admitted to a Wildlife Rescue Center. Di Lorenzo E, Rossi R, Ferrari F, Martini V, Comazzi S Animals 2020, 10, 1066. (open access)

Managing antler problems in deer Fletcher J, Foster A, Goddard P, et al In Practice 2016;38 (10):513-519. (not open access)

A survey of enteric disease agents in UK deer populations Pearce SJ, Turner K, Cogan TA, Foster AP Research in Veterinary Science 2023, 154, 113-123

Garden birds (see also pigeons below)

Survival rates of cat-attacked birds admitted to RSPCA wildlife centres in the UK: Implications for cat owners and wildlife rehabilitators. 
Baker P, Thompson R, Grogan A Anim. Welf. 2018, 27, 305–318.

Garden Wildlife Health Disease Fact Sheets - birds

Early life disadvantage strengthens flight performance trade-offs in European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris O'Hagan D, Andrews CP, Bedford T, Bateson M, Nettle D Animal Behaviour 102 (2015) 141-148

Improving the welfare of both wildlife and domestic cats Onyejekwe E Vet. Nurs. J. 2022, 37, 20–25


Evaluation of alfaxalone and dexmedetomidine for intramuscular restraint in European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) Bellini L, Pagani G, Mollo A, Contiero B, Loretti E, Gelli D Veterinary Record, 2019; 185, 145. (not open access)

Applied Hedgehog Conservation Research (Special edition, 30 papers) Berger A, Reeve N, Rasmussen SL

Veterinary care of free-living hedgehogs Bexton S and Couper D In Practice, 2019; 41 (9):420-432. (not open access)

British Hedgehog Preservation Society Care and Treatment of Sick and Injured Hedgehogs (open access)

 BHPS Caring for hoglets

BHPS Collaborative agreement on hedgehog hibernation weights

BHPS Guidance for releasing rehabilitated hedgehogs

BHPS Hedgehogs at shows and talks code of conduct

BHPS Hedgehogs on TV code of conduct

BHPS Worm Identification chart

Admission and Survival Trends in Hedgehogs Admitted to RSPCA Wildlife Rehabilitation Centres. Burroughes ND, Dowler J, Burroughes G Proc. Zool. Soc. 2021, 74, 198–204.

Accumulation of Anticoagulant Rodenticides in a Non-target Insectivore, the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus). Dowding CV, Shore RF, Worgan A, Baker PJ, Harris S Environ. Pollut. 2010, 158, 161–166.

Parasites of European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in Britain: epidemiological study and coprological test evaluation. Gaglio G, Allen S, Bowden L. et al. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 2010; 56, 839–844 (not open access)

Garden Wildlife Health Disease Fact Sheets - hedgehogs (open access)

Detection and Control of Dermatophytosis in Wild European Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) Admitted to a French Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. Le Barzic C, Cmokova A, Denaes C, Arné P, Hubka V, Guillot J, Risco-Castillo V. Journal of Fungi. 2021; 7(2):74.

An exploratory investigation of glucocorticoids, personality and survival rates in wild and rehabilitated hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in Denmark. Rasmussen SL, Kalliokoski O, Dabelsteen T, Abelson K BMC Ecol. Evol. 2021, 21, 96

Hedgehogs in the waiting room Partridge T BSAVA Companion, January 2020; pp 12 - 17 (not open access)

Veterinary care of the hedgehog Ian Robinson and Andrew Routh In Practice 1999, 21 (3) 128-138 (open access)

Hibernation Patterns of the European Hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus, at a Cornish Rescue Centre. South KE, Haynes K, Jackson AC Animals, 2020; 10, 1418. (open access)

Should rehabilitated hedgehogs be released in winter? A comparison of survival, nest use and weight change in wild and rescued animals. Yarnell RW, Surgey J, Grogan A et al. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 2019; 65, 6. (open access)


Health status of otters in southern and south west England 1996–2003. In Science Report: SCO010064/SR1; Bristol, Environment Agency: Bristol, UK, 2007. Simpson VR


Factors affecting the likelihood of release of injured and orphaned woodpigeons (Columba palumbus) Kelly A, Halstead C, Hunter D, Leighton K, Grogan A and Harris M Animal Welfare, 2011; 20: 523-534 (open access)

Reptiles and amphibians

Garden Wildlife Health Disease Fact Sheets - reptiles

Garden Wildlife Health Disease Fact Sheets - amphibians


Veterinary care of sick and injured mallards Bexton S, Couper D In Practice, 2014; 36 (7):356-366. (not open access)

This information hub was compiled by Dr Liz Mullineaux, in collaboration with other wildlife rehabilitators and veterinary professionals last update on 8th April 2024.

Disclaimer: This information is primarily for the benefit of veterinary professionals (veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses registered with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS)) and registered students in those subjects.

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