Diseases, health and safety
Signpost vets to the APHA Diseases of Wildlife Scheme, found under the Animal disease scanning surveillance section of the Government website:
- Animal disease scanning surveillance at APHA
- Vets: contact APHA to get expert advice on unusual animal disease
We would like to encourage vets (and members of the public) to report unusual and mass mortalities in wildlife to APHA. Suitable wildlife casualties will be accepted for submission and further investigation under the Diseases of Wildlife Scheme DoWS. Cases will be triaged to ensure they are appropriate for the scheme; carcases with obvious trauma (e.g. road traffic accident) or animals which have been in captivity, will generally be screened out.
To report dead wild birds please use the online tool Report dead wild birds - GOV.UK or call the Defra helpline (03459 33 55 77). If birds are not triaged for collection and they are songbirds please report to the Garden Wildlife Health project
Amphibian and Reptile incidents can be reported to the Garden Wildlife Health project
Cetaceans (porpoises, dolphins, whales) and sea turtle incidents can be reported to UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme
For all other wildlife cases/mortality incidents, vets can contact their nearest Veterinary Investigation Centre for advice, or the Wildlife Expert Group.
Birds triaged for collection from the ‘Report dead wild birds -Gov.uk or Defra helpline will be collected, tested for Avian Influenza, and – if appropriate receive a post-mortem examination (PME) free of charge. Similarly, carcases/samples accepted under DoWS will undergo PME free of charge.
If vets suspect the wildlife has died as a result of:
- wildlife crime, they must report this to the police
- poisoning from pesticides or rodenticides, call the Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme (WISS) on 0800 321 600 (calls are free)
- a notifiable disease must be reported to the APHA field services immediately
- BVZS Avian Influenza advice for vets in practice
- Zoonotic disease guidance chart - birds
- Understanding zoonosis poster
- Protecting our team - disease outbreak
- The basic elements of assessing a wildlife casualty
- AI in-house biosecurity posters
- BWRC - Mustelids and COVID-19 advice
- Wildlife and diseases
- Bluetongue
- Garden Wildlife Health - Garden Wildlife Health is a collaborative project between the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), Froglife and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) which aims to monitor the health of and identify disease threats to, British wildlife. Please report sightings of ill health in garden wildlife, specifically garden birds, amphibians, reptiles and hedgehogs, via our website, so we can conduct disease surveillance to learn about threats to wildlife health. Our website provides a library of disease factsheets on conditions affecting garden wildlife and best practice guidance for habitat management.