Training videos for vets and vet nurses
Veterinary care of hedgehogs
How to give a subcut injection
How to uncurl a hedgehog
- Hedgehog rehabilitation: pitfalls and celebrations
- BSVA Congress: Hedgehogs: pitfalls and celebrations
- Hedgehogs - A Clinician's Basic Guide
- Hedgehog body condition score
- Hedgehog rehabilitation
- Vet care of free-living hedgehogs
- Parasite guide
- BSAVA - Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)
- Rehab area - British Hedgehog Preservation Society
- State of Britain's Hedgehogs 2022 article
- Hedgehog Helpline - Guide to Hedgehog Care for Veterinary Surgeons
- Hedgehog Conservation Strategy
- Garden Wildlife Health - Hedgehog Disease Factsheets
Hedgehog courses
Vale Wildlife Hospital runs the British Hedgehog Preservation Society courses:
- First Aid, Care & Rehabilitation of Hedgehogs (monthly, and offer these as 'on the road' courses)
- Microscopy course (every 3 months)
View the courses online: https://www.valewildlife.org.uk/courses/
Address and contact
Vale Wildlife Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre
Station Road
Nr Tewkesbury
GL20 7AN
Phone: 01386 882288