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RSPCA/APHA meetings on the welfare of farmed animals used in research

Significant numbers of agricultural animals are used in experiments, for example in the research and development of vaccines against diseases such as bovine tuberculosis. They are also used in human medical and veterinary research, and in studies aiming to improve their productivity or to better understand their behaviour and welfare. 

A workshop on the care and use of agricultural animals in research, held by the Norwegian Consensus Platform on Alternatives (Norecopa) in 2012, recommended there should be more meetings on the 3Rs for those involved in the care and use of these species (Norecopa workshop report).  

The RSPCA and APHA took this forward by holding two meetings on the welfare of farmed animals used in research in 2013 and 2014, and you can download the 2013 report (PDF 304KB) and the 2014 report (PDF 668KB). Since these meetings, the scientific community has created the Large Animal Research Network. 

We also developed and held RSPCA/APHA meetings on the welfare of wild animals used in research. 

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